Dr. Eric's Academy - Student Testimonials

STUDENT Testimonial
Krysten C.
Dr. Eric if it wasn’t for you I would never have done it. I scored in the 99th percentile on the PSATI, I won a National Merit Scholarship and then I took the SAT and score in the 99th percentile again! YEESSSS!!! When I got home I jumped and screamed when I opened the letter. I got accepted to Yale on a scholarship!!! I could never have done it without your help. You told me I could do it, but I never believed it. Thank you so much!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Chelsea R.
I remember when you helped me get a 5 on the AP Physics test and then you helped me score in the 99th percentile on the SAT! I never thought I would ever have a chance at getting into medical school. I really enjoyed the tutoring sessions that we did to prepare for the MCAT. If it wasn’t for you I would never have been able to score in the 96% percentile on the MCAT!!! THANK YOU!!! I have been accepted to eight different medical schools and one offered me a full scholarship!!! Thank you so much Dr. Eric!!! I will never forget what you did for me.
Sion G.
Thank you for all of the help you’ve given me. You helped me get an A in Biology. After that you tutored me for the regular SAT and then Math 2 SAT. I scored in the 99th percentile on both the general SAT and on the Math 2 Subject Test SAT!!! I really didn’t think it was possible given the amount of time we had. When we started I didn’t know where I was going to go to college , but I got into all of the schools I applied to!!! Now I have to figure out where I’m going. I can’t thank you enough for making this possible.”
STUDENT Testimonial
Robby L.
Hey Dr. Eric you really got me through Honors Physics. I went through 7 tutors before my Dad found you. None of the other ones were able to help and I really started to doubt if I would ever be able to get through this class. In six weeks you took me from failing to getting straight 100s on every homework assignment, lab, quiz, and test! I even got a “100” on the midterm!!! Dr. Eric you’re the best!
STUDENT Testimonial
Alec S.
Dr. Eric you’re incredible! Thanks to you I scored in the 99th percentile on the PSAT and then six weeks later I scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT! Every kid in my school found out how I scored and the next thing you know the smartest kids kept trying to say they scored higher than me, but they didn’t. They told me what they got and my score was higher! I literally scored the highest on the SAT in my entire high school!!! I know that was one main reasons I got into Brown! Thanks Dr. Eric. It’s a dream come true!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Clinton J.
Dr. Eric thank you so much. I have been trying to get my degree in Computer Science, but I just couldn’t get through statistics until I met you. It was the last class I had to take to graduate because the first time I tried it I had to drop it. I am so glad I found you! You made it so easy to understand that everything started to make sense. Working through those practice problems really helped. Dr. Eric keep in touch!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Sontantar K.
Thank you Dr. Eric for helping me with Biology and Chemistry. I really appreciate everything you did. My confidence was really really low before we started the tutoring sessions. You not only helped me with getting “A”s in both Biology and Chemistry, but my confidence is back. I feel like I can handle any class now. I can’t wait to get to college!!! I want to enter the medical field and become a doctor one day! I’ll let you know how it goes!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Arsene B.
God bless you Dr. Eric! Before we met you Arsene couldn’t read and he couldn’t understand the math his teacher was teaching him. I know he is in first grade, but he just wasn’t learning anything in online school. Four months of tutoring and now he is reading on a second grade level and doing math on a third grade level! Arsene really likes you. He said you make everything a lot of fun and really looks forward to your sessions. God bless you Dr. Eric! – Mimi B.
STUDENT Testimonial
Jake W.
My family is so happy right now. Especially my dad! My SAT score went up over 450 points because of you. I ended up getting a lot of scholarship money from the schools I applied to, but one offered me a full scholarship! They even paid for room and board! My dad was so happy because he said that saved him over $200,000. He ended up buying me a new car for college! I’m telling everyone I know that if they need tutoring they need to go to you! Thanks Dr.Eric!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Isabel S.
Dr. Eric I am so happy I found you! Math has always been hard for me. Unfortunately, my major required me to take Statistics. I quickly got overwhelmed with all of the equations and assignments. I really tried, but I just couldn’t do it until I met you. You made the sessions so much fun and started feeling like I am going to get through this. I was really surprised when I got my first “A” on a test. I thought is was some sort of fluke until I got my second “A.” Dr. Eric I could not have gotten through it without you! Thank you! – Isabel.
STUDENT Testimonial
Christina B.
Dr. Eric I really enjoyed our GRE sessions. You made it so easy to understand. There were ways to solve problems that I never knew existed! Reading comprehension questions have always been a challenge for me. I could never finish them in time and I never seemed to be able to find the answers until I found you. The way you broke up each reading comprehension question into categories and then showed exactly how to solve each one really helped. I also liked how you showed me all of those shortcuts for doing the math problems. Thanks Dr. Eric! If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have been accepted to Hopkins.
STUDENT Testimonial
Tyler H.
Dr. Eric before I met you I didn’t think anyone could help me with the GMAT. I tried on my own, but I just couldn’t score higher than a 580. Then you showed me how to fix all of the things I was doing wrong and explained to me exactly what I needed to know for the test. I thought I was good at math until I met you. The things you showed me were never taught in school. I also really appreciated the help with the grammar section. That was something I was really weak in. Thanks to you my 740 on the GMAT was enough to get me into Wharton! Dr. Eric I appreciate everything you did for me!!!
STUDENT Testimonial
Brandi T.
Thank you so much for helping Joshua. He was failing every class in third grade. I didn’t know what to do to get his grades up. I was really scared that he was going to be left back in third grade. Then I met you and things turned around almost immediately. In one quarter Joshua went from failing every class to getting all “A”s and one B. The next quarter he got “A”s is every one of his classes. Now he attacks his homework and it is always submitted on time! I have no idea how you did it, but thank you so much for helping him.
STUDENT Testimonial
Chen W.
Dr. Eric my dream has always been to get accepted to BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training). The problem is I needed to pass the physical and score the high on the ASVAB. It was hard and it took me four attempts to pass the physical, but I passed it. To qualify for BUD/S you also need to get the highest score possible on the ASVAB. That qualifies you for both BUD/S and to become a nuclear engineer. You kept telling me hang in there and you would get me through it and you did! Dr. Eric when you say something you really deliver! Thanks! I owe you one!
STUDENT Testimonial
Jack P.
Thanks Dr. Eric for helping Jack with the ISEE and the HSPT. Jack has always been nervous about taking tests. When he found out that he needed to take the ISEE and the HSPT to be able to apply to certain high schools his mouth dropped. I am so glad I found you. Jack really liked working with you. He used to tell me and my wife all of the things you taught him. I also noticed after working with you that his fear went away. I think he started to believe in himself. You should have seen the look on his face when we told him he got accepted to every high school we applied to. On top of that he was awarded an $18,000/year scholarship to one of the high schools! That really helped! Thank you for everything. I’ll be referring you to my friends.